APPLY NOW: The Gates Scholarship 2022-2023

The Gates Scholarship 2023 is a highly competitive scholarship program designed for students of high school seniors in the USA. The top 300 students are chosen each year for this fully funded award within the USA. A Gates Scholarship program supports young leaders to achieve their goals in their field without worrying about tuition costs and other expenses for education. Additionally, the prestigious scholarship guarantees students access to all necessary facilities and resources. The goal of the scholarship is to allow students with high potential for low income from various minorities to become influential leaders through standing out in their studies or graduating from college.

The Gates Scholarship (TGS) is an extremely specificlast-dollar scholarship to outstanding minority high school students of low-income households. This prestigious scholarship is based on research that shows that by removing obstacles to college's financial burden, A last-dollar scholarship could allow high-potential minority students to be successful in their studies as they graduate from college and become the best in their field throughout their lives.

In addition to the financial aid, The Gates Scholarship will help scholars by working with the institutions they attend in an array of ways to ensure that they can access the services and resources they require from their first day of class to graduation and into their career of choice.

Scholarship Description

Host Country: United States

Host Organization: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Host Institutions: University across the USA, Community Colleges across the USA

Degree Level: Undergraduate Programs

Scholarship Duration: 5 years

Number of Scholarships: 300 full scholarships awards in the USA

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The financial benefits of Gates scholarships

Gates scholars will receive funds to cover the course costs that aren't paid for by other financial aid. This includes the expected family contribution or the scholar's school or college method.

The Gates scholarship pays for the tuition cost. Gates scholarship covers tuition fees, room Bboard, textbooks transport, and could include additional personal expenses.

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Eligibility for the Gates Scholarships

gates scholarship

To be eligible to be considered for the Gates award, you have to meet the following requirements :

  • A senior in high school.
  • At least one ethnicity: African American, American Indian/Alaska title=”*For American Indian/Alaska Native, proof of tribal membership is required. “>Native, Asian & Pacific Islander American or Hispanic American,
  • Pell-eligible.
  • A US citizen national, permanent, or resident.
  • An absolute GPA is 3.3 on a 4.0 scale (or equivalent).

In addition to these requirements, An ideal candidate to be considered for the Gates Scholarships program must show:

  • An exceptional achievement in schools (in the top 10% in the class of graduates).
  • The ability to lead (e.g., through activities of community service or extracurricular or in other ways).
  • Personal success abilities are exceptional (e.g. emotional determination, maturity, motivation, etc.).

The applicant must be able to be enrolled fully in a four-year degree program at a US-approved non-profit, private or public university.

How to apply for the Gates Scholarship 2023?

  • The applicant has to create an MYTGS profile on to apply.
  • In Phase II, the 2000 semi-finalists will be asked to continue processing the application.
  • It is expected that the Gates Scholarship application will include an essay, a questionnaire, updated transcripts, and a letter of recommendation.
  • The second phase of the scholarship has to be completed before January.
  • Then, in March, 600 applicants will be chosen for the final stage.
  • In the final stage in the final phase, candidates are interviewed either in person or via phone via video.
  • In April, the 300 finalists will be announced, and they will be requested to provide documentation to be eligible for the award.
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Required documents

Students are required to submit the following documents, which will be required at different points in an application.

  • A copy of the current transcript(s) (submitted to the counsellor).
  • Student Aid Report (SAR) after the FAFSA has been filled out.
  • Financial Aid Award Letter.
  • Letter of acceptance to a bachelor's degree four-year program offered by a non-profit public or private institution.
  • Headshot photograph.
  • Resume.

The application deadline for this Bill Gates college Scholarships or this scholarship in the united states (TGS) is September 15th, 2022.

You can contact the scholarships board here :

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