John and Abigail Adams Scholarship [Apply Now] 2022/2023

The John and Abigail Adams Scholarship provides a tuition credit score for as much as eight semester of undergraduate education at a Massachusetts state university or college, based upon student's ratings on MCAS examinations. The scholarship covers tuition only; fees and room and board are not included. The scholarship must be utilized within six years of a student's secondary school graduation.

Eligibility For John and Abigail Adams Scholarship

To qualify for the John and Abigail Adams Scholarship, Massachusetts public high school students must satisfy the eligibility criteria listed below. In feedback to testing disruptions and adjustments because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the eligibility standards differ slightly depending on students' graduating class.

Class of 2022: Minimum MCAS Requirements for the Adams Scholarship

  • Scholarships will be approved to students whose composite score positions them in the top 25% of students in their area and that likewise fulfill the MCAS rating requirements shown below.
  • Scholarship eligibility is based on each student's first attempt at taking the next-generation or heritage MCAS ELA and Math tests.
  • For students who never took a senior high school MCAS STE examination as a result of the adjustment of the CD requirements, just ELA, as well as Math ratings, will undoubtedly be utilized in establishing scholarship qualification (Option 2).
  • For students who took a high school MCAS STE examination in February 2020 or earlier, their STE rating will only be used in the qualification determination if doing so benefits the student. These pupils can satisfy the demands using Option 1 or Option 2.

2022 for more information on the awards for this class.

Option 1: MCAS ELA, Math, STE

Score at Advanced level (or equivalent) on one test:

  • Math: Minimum of 504 Next-Gen or 260 Legacy
  • ELA: Minimum of 501 Next-Gen or 260 Legacy*
  • STE: Minimum of 260 Legacy

Score at Proficient level (or equivalent) on the remaining tests:

  • STE: Minimum of 240 Legacy
  • ELA: Minimum of 472 Next-Gen or 240 Legacy
  • Math: Minimum of 486 Next-Gen or 240 Legacy
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Option 2: MCAS ELA and Math

Score at Proficient level (or equivalent) on the remaining test:

  • ELA: Minimum of 472 Next-Gen or 240 Legacy
  • Math: Minimum of 48…

Score at Advanced level (or equivalent) on one test:

  • ELA: Minimum of 501 Next-Gen or 260 Legacy
  • Math: Minimum of 504 Next-Gen or 260 Legacy

Class of 2023: Minimum MCAS Requirements for the Adams Scholarship

  • Scholarships will undoubtedly be granted to pupils whose consolidated score positions them in the top 25% of students in their district and satisfies the MCAS score revealed below.
  • Scholarship qualification is based upon each trainee's first attempt at taking the next-generation MCAS ELA and Maths examinations.
  • STE scores will not be used in the eligibility determination because only 1% of trainees in 2023 took a secondary school STE test.

Score Requirements

Score at Proficient level (or equivalent) on the remaining test:

  • Math: Minimum of 486 Next-Gen
  • ELA: Minimum of 472 Next-Gen

Score at Advanced level (or equivalent) on one test:

  • ELA: Minimum of 501 Next-Gen*
  • Math: Minimum of 504 Next-Gen

Class of 2024: Minimum MCAS Requirements for the Adams Scholarship

  • Scholarships will undoubtedly be provided to students whose combined score puts them in the top 25% of students in their district, and that also meets the MCAS score demands revealed below.
  • Scholarship qualification is based on each trainee's first effort to take the next-generation examinations.
  • The Department will figure out scholarship qualifications based on trainees who receive the scholarship with all 3 scores (Option 1) and again for trainees who qualify based upon their ELA and Mathematics scores (Option 2).

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Option 1: MCAS ELA, Math, STE

Score at Proficient level (or equivalent) on the remaining tests:

  • ELA: Minimum of 472 (Next-Gen)
  • STE: Minimum of 240 (Legacy) or equivalent Next-Gen score if applicable
  • Math: Minimum of 486 (Next-Gen)
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Score at Advanced level (or equivalent) on one test:

  • Math: Minimum of 504 (Next-Gen)
  • ELA: Minimum of 501 (Next-Gen)
  • STE: Minimum of 260 (Legacy) or equivalent Next-Gen score if applicable

Option 2: MCAS ELA and Math

Score at Advanced level (or equivalent) on one test:

  • ELA: Minimum of 501 (Next-Gen)
  • Math: Minimum of 504 (Next-Gen)

Score at Proficient level (or equivalent) on the other test:

  • ELA: Minimum of 472 (Next-Gen)
  • Math: Minimum of 486 (Next-Gen)

Criteria to Receive the Adams Scholarship

John and Abigail Adams Scholarship1

A student needs to be signed up in a Massachusetts public secondary school in their senior year to get the scholarship.

To declare the Adams Scholarship, the student should fulfill the following standards:

  • Be a permanent lawful resident of Massachusetts for a minimum of one year before entering college as a freshman.
  • Be a USA citizen or a non-citizen licensed by the federal government to live and work in the United States on a short-term or long-term basis.
  • Be a grad of a Massachusetts, public secondary school.
  • Be accepted at a public Massachusetts university or college.
  • Finish the online Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
  • Send the Adams Scholarship award letter to the financial aid workplace.
  • submit the Adams Scholarship award letter to the financial aid office.
  • Enroll as a full-time student at a qualified public high education and learning organization.

To continue receiving the Adams Scholarship, a student must meet the following criteria:

  • Be enlisted permanently at a public higher education establishment.
  • Maintain a collective Grade Point Average (GRADE POINT AVERAGE) of 3.0 on all university work.
  • Every year finish the FAFSA and supply the finished FAFSA application to their college institution, together with the scholarship notification letter.

Eligible pupils who first signed up in a private college or public university in one more state may activate their Adams Scholarship upon transfer to a Massachusetts public university or university, supplied they have formerly maintained an advancing 3.0 GPA.

Timing of Scholarship Award Letters.

Students who get the scholarship will undoubtedly receive award letters and more info in the fall or winter season of their senior year.

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Class of 2022 Notification

The first round of scholarship award letters will undoubtedly be sent to students in 2022 in October 2021, based upon results from the springtime 2021 MCAS examinations are available. Eligibility in this round will indeed be based upon the cut scores utilized in each district to establish qualifications for participants of the course of 2021.

A 2nd round of scholarship award letters will undoubtedly be sent to students in 2022 in February 2022, when the arise from the November 2021 retests are readily available. In each district, these final awards will be based on the top 25% of the whole class of 2022. The top 25% cut score will be calculated and applied two times (with and without the STE score), as some student in the class of 2022 did not have an opportunity to take an STE test.

Letters are sent to senior high schools, which then disperse letters to students and their families. Once parents/guardians obtain the letter, we suggest maintaining it in a safe area for reference.

Note: The letter is significant since students must offer a duplicate of it along with their completed FAFSA application each year. Without this letter, the college/university will certainly not apply the tuition credit.

For additional information, email the Office of Student Assessment Services at [email protected]  or call 781-338-3625.

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