STAR Scholars Network Millennium Scholars Programme 2023

The Millennium Scholars Program is the main scholarship development program of the STAR Scholars Network. The program provides emerging and beginning scholars the opportunity to build the network and knowledge necessary to advance their academic careers.

The Millennium Scholars Program supports advanced doctoral students and early career scholars (or scholar-trainees) who identify with a low-, lower-middle, or upper-middle-income country, either by birth, cultural heritage, or current residence. The program supports participants in disseminating their research and scholarship to a global audience. It is designed around a three-part series of commitments that include professional development, peer support, and perspectives from leading academics.

Eligibility criteria for the Millennium Scholars Program of the STAR Scholars Network.

  • Advanced postgraduate students, beginning career scholars, and independent researchers are encouraged to apply if they identify with a country or a higher education system country in a low-, lower-middle, or upper-middle-income country.
  • Applicants who teach or research in fields including international education, comparative education, human geography, global studies, linguistics, psychology, sociology, communication, international business, economics, social work, cultural studies, and other related disciplines are welcome to apply.
  • The program is intended to serve the new generations of scholars who may identify with traditional minority groups, marginalized identities, and/or reside in countries of the Global South.

Is it offered annually? Yes

Eligible countries: Developing countries

Write: graduate

Number of prizes: Not specified

Prize value:

  • Peer Support: Participants join a multinational support community that includes cohort members and a mid-level or senior mentor in the network.
  • Professional Development: Participants participate in breakout sessions where they share emerging ideas and drafts of their work to give and receive feedback.
  • Perspectives Roundtables: Participants participate in events with leading researchers to share perspectives and brainstorm future directions for their work.
  • There is no cost to participate in the Millennium Scholars Program due to the generosity of the individual and institutional members who make it possible, so money is never the reason someone cannot participate in the program.
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Application Method: apply here

Deadline for application: December 1, 2022

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