How to Crush an Interview to Get Your Dream Job in 2023

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This article will focus on how to crush an interview in 2023. Sometimes the outcome of your interviews is determined by something other than the questions asked or whether you know all the answers. Instead, it's often down to how you approach interviews–how you think about and prepare for them.

Some thoughts can lead you astray, creating feelings of pressure, stress, nervousness, insecurity, and anxiety. Examples include: I hope they like me. There are so many other qualified candidates than me. I need to possess the necessary skills or experience they require. What if I get stuck on a question or need help knowing the answer?

Acing a job interview requires more than simply avoiding unappealing or unprofessional behaviors. Put your best effort into preparing for the interview by taking extra time to think and prepare. Chances are you already have some generic tips in mind for prepping, and those should be at the top of that list. In this article, we'll provide some strategies to rock an interview.

Common Do’s & Don’ts for a job interview

Below we will know the Do's amd Don'ts before which is aprt of knowing how to crush an interview


  • Research the job duties associated with the position you are interviewing for
  • Make sure your resume is up to date and prepared ahead of time.
  • Practice answering interview questions that may come your way


  • Cancel at the last minute or arrive late
  • Give into distractions like chewing gum or answering a text.
  • Be rude or deceitful.

The interview process has recently changed, with work-from-home positions becoming the norm and virtual interviews becoming more accessible to a wider talent pool. Despite these shifts, job seekers can count on some reliable standards in an ever-evolving professional environment.

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How to Crush an Interview in 2023

How to Crush an Interview to Get Your Dream Job

Knowing where you're going is key for knowing how to absolutely crush an interview or how to crush an executive interview in 2023.

1. Know where you’re going

Make sure you have clear directions to the location of the interview. If you are unsure, drive there ahead of time or allow plenty of extra time to get to the interview.

2. Make sure your phone is turned off.

Turn your phone off completely – even if it's set to vibrate.

3. Review all forms you submit as a test for the position.

When asked to complete a form, ensure you spell things correctly and fill in all required information completely. Do not put “see resume,” as many hiring companies require this format for an objective reason. Furthermore, many employers use this portion of your interview to determine your suitability for the position.


4. Be yourself, but remain professional

Don't try to impress the interviewer or act differently than how you normally conduct business in a work setting. Always maintain professionalism; don't use slang, profanity, or be negative. Take good posture, maintain an upbeat attitude, and answer questions honestly and professionally. Furthermore, avoid disclosing personal information or problems as they aren't important for the job and may not reflect well on you; keep it professional by staying focused on the task. Stay professional – stick with what matters!

5. Avoid criticism and negativity towards former employers

Be honest when discussing why you left positions, but do not be negative. Before attending an interview, practice answering questions regarding your past employment.

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6. Never attempt to read the interviewer's notes.

If the interviewer takes notes, keep your gaze forward and don't worry about what they write. They may need to record information to relay to other decision-makers or use shorthand or coding that could cause confusion or anxiety if attempted to decipher. Focusing on the interviewer's writing can distract you from answering well while making them uncomfortable.

7. Avoid creating a time crunch.

Refrain from planning anything around your interview that could create a time crunch. Successful interviews that lead to employment can range from 15 minutes to two hours.

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8. Practice good hygiene

Shower the day of an interview, even if you typically shower at night. Ensure your body feels refreshed, and use deodorant with caution, as this may affect how your body responds under stress. Moreover, keep nails neatly clipped or styled and beards trimmed off for males; facial hair can also be left untrimmed if preferred; for females, it's best to go without make-up altogether and avoid strong fragrances (or skip them altogether for safety).

9. Dress appropriately

Even if the company has a “business casual” dress code, it is wise to dress slightly above it. Wear a suit or jacket with matching skirt/slacks, and make sure the shirts underneath are clean, pressed, and conservative. Have the shirt prepared by your laundry or cleaners; these have a crisper appearance. Remember your socks or hosiery!

10. Research the company

Please learn what the hiring company is about and how this position fits into their overall plan. Consider if the service provided by the hiring company is something you are interested in and can support; for instance, vegetarians would likely not enjoy working at a meat packing plant.

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Based upon your research, create questions related to the company and position that come to mind; when an interviewer asks if you have any queries, use these prepared questions as motivation – showing initiative and that you have done your due diligence.

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