2023 Fully Funded Iso Lomso Fellowships for Early Career African Researchers.

Iso Lomso means ‘the eye of tomorrow' in isiXhosa: looking to the future, laying the foundation for tomorrow. The program is intended for African scholars who have obtained a PhD in the previous seven years and who are holding an academic position at a university or research institution anywhere in Africa. Candidates must have established a research program and have completed a postdoctoral fellowship or equivalent postdoctoral program. All disciplines are considered.

Benefits of fully funded Iso Lomso scholarships

Residence at STIAS

A three-year attachment to STIAS during which you can spend a total of 10 months in residence at STIAS to develop and pursue a long-term research program.

Links to sister institutions

The possibility of a residency at a sister institute for advanced study in North America, Europe or elsewhere

international congresses

Funding to attend up to two international conferences or training workshops anywhere in the world

your own workshop

Support to convene a workshop with collaborators at STIAS or at their institution of origin

Support your institution

Teacher substitution allowance from your home institution during residency periods

Iso Lomso Fellowships provide a three-year link with STIAS to allow fellows to develop and carry out a long-term research program of their choice. The aim is to facilitate and support them in becoming established scholars in their fields.


To be eligible for the 2023 call, applicants must:

  • be a national of any African country;
  • being born after January 1, 1980;
  • have an affiliation with a research or higher education institution in an African country, and continue to do so for the foreseeable future;
  • have obtained a PhD from any recognized higher education institution (worldwide) after January 1, 2015;
  • have completed a postdoctoral fellowship or equivalent postdoctoral research program;
  • be in a position to begin a first period of residence at STIAS during 2024.
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The main means of support are the STIAS residences. The residency periods will be agreed upon by mutual agreement between the scholarship holder, their home institution and STIAS, and may vary between six weeks and five months per residency. A first residency period will generally be of longer duration and take place during 2024, followed by two additional residencies until 2026. While in residency, fellows receive regular support from STIAS, including:

  • a cheap round-trip flight;
  • comfortable accommodation within walking distance of the institute;
  • individual offices equipped with PC, telephone and printer;
  • a monthly stipend for daily living costs;
  • access to the Stellenbosch University Library (including electronic resources) and a high-speed Internet connection;
  • participation in the regular STIAS fellowship program, which includes daily luncheons, weekly fellowship seminars, STIAS public lectures, and social events;
  • a childcare allowance for fellows accompanied by young children while in residence.


  • Deadline for application: February 15, 2023
  • Preselection selection: April 30, 2023
  • Final selection: May 31, 2023

Shortlisted candidates may be contacted during May 2023 for any additional information that may be required on their proposed projects. A final selection will be made at the end of May 2023 and selected candidates will be contacted during June 2023. These dates are subject to change and will be updated on this page.

Deadline for application: February 15, 2023

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